New Y-EAR, New You: Better Ear Health in 2025

The clock struck midnight, the ball dropped, champagne was flowing, and you smooched your significant other. A new year is upon us, and now it’s time to start crushing those New Years goals. New year, new you, as they say.

Some of your goals might include hitting the gym, taking better care of your skin, resting more, or trying out yoga. These are all great goals, but don’t forget to also take care of your ears.

Here are some tips for better ear health in 2025:

1.     Protect your ears from loud noises: Have some fun concerts on the horizon this year? Make sure you protect your ears. Exposure to loud noises can damage your inner ear and impact your hearing. Ear plugs FTW!

2.     Ear wax Management: We know you’ve been ignoring those warnings on your cotton swab box. You know, the ones telling you not to stick cotton swabs in your ears. That’s because using cotton swabs can push ear wax deeper into your ear canal, causing ear wax impaction. According to Mayo Clinic, some symptoms of ear wax blockage include earache, feeling of fullness in the ear, ringing in the ear, hearing loss, dizziness, and more. Thankfully, there are better ways to clean your ears and remove problematic ear wax. EAR WAX MD® ear drops dissolve excess ear wax in as little as 15 minutes. Simply fill your ear canal with the ear drops, wait 15 minutes, and then rinse your ears with a bulb filled with warm water. If your ears are extra waxy, try the WAX BLASTER MD® to really blast that wax.

3.     Stop ear pain at the source: Sometimes we have ear pain, whether it’s caused by allergies, colds, sinus infections, ear infections, air pressure, or swimmer’s ear. EAR PAIN MD® is the right choice for topical ear drops because it contains 4% lidocaine solution, which calms aggravated nerves and eases pain on contact. You can even use EAR PAIN MD® at the same time as an antibiotic, if your ear pain is caused by an ear infection.

4.    Take your vitamins: The American Medical Association recommends Vitamin A, C, and E, as well as zinc, for better ear health.

5.     Address your allergies: Did you know ear pain could be caused by allergies? If you’re dealing with congestion, this can cause inflammation and a feeling of fullness or pressure if your ears. According to the Mayo Clinic, you have a higher risk of sinus infections and ear infections if you have hay fever or asthma. Even when you’re staying on top of your allergy prevention medicine, you might still experience ear discomfort from time to time. Thankfully, you can dissolve your excess ear wax and clean your ears with EAR WAX MD® and WAX BLASTER MD® And when your ears are hurting, EAR PAIN MD® is the #1 doctor recommended ear drops for ear pain.

Now you’re set for better ear health in 2025! Keep crushing those goals!

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